Sunday, November 13, 2005

Cirque de Soleil: Aerotheatrics in motion

My, my. How I love trampolines, and world-class acrobats performing crazy feats that defy and detest all we know of gravity and laws of physics. They use the hell out of them to their advantage. Forget class: go see this and you'll learn more about the mechanics of motion in 2 hours than you would in 2 weeks of physics class. Ok, enough of that for now...

The show that I saw, Corteo, contained awesomely powerful live music in French, Spanish, Italian and even some post-rock thrown in, much for my happiness. We had premo seats: stage center, with the performance right at eye level. No neck craning or side-turning needed. For 2 hours plus, I sat awestruck with my mouth agape, eyes widened and ridiculously overdone laughter pouring out whenever something amazing happened, which was pretty much every 5 seconds.

The performers jumped on trampolines posed as 2 full-size beds, complete with bedposts, headboards and footboards. Costumed angels danced about the air, people spun inside very-large-silver-ring things, using momentum and spin to overcome the tenets of gravity and inertia. Acrobats exchanged positions on platforms, flipping and swooshing about the air, with their partners timing the grip just perfectly. No one fell, no one was hurt or injured. If I did any of that (even running across a slippery stage in thin shoes), I would surely get injured and if it was funny (which it would most likely be because why the hell would I do anything like that?), all my friends would have a hearty laugh. There would be stories told at parties, with people breaking into vicious bouts of full-body laughter. And after, they would come to me, smile, laugh and shake my hand, for I had entertained and educated them. My, such a thing would be so grand!!

I digress...yet again....

My friends were right, though; the show did give me some bad ideas regarding myself, a trampoline and a trapeze. Luckily, my roommates never let me have a trampoline. Maybe that was for the best.

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