Tuesday, November 15, 2005

And Yet, More Rambles Emerge.....

With the changing today of rain to sleet to finally snow, I thought a poem I have just composed
would be good to go. So off we fly, into this odd guy's wacky sort of mind:

the rain finally turns to snow
as the light drains to night's shadow;
long, it has become,
once the days of summer have gone.
and with it,
the fall of autumn.

walking the streets
slipped with rain freezing to sleet,
vehicles hit brakes, turn with caution
but some will still run to the bus
not caring of the splashing going on
in the depths where curb meets a depressed concrete.

i couldn't have changed more throughout the day,
out the door and striding along as if the sun
had just begun to peak its head out
and beginning to pour forth, heat now

but instead, the sky's been dark all day
and moods i've watched have been stuck in-between
a wet foot and a frozen face:

uncomfortable and stressed from
letting what little smile that was left
melt with the rain.

not mine, though.
I jumped with excitement as I moved
towards my destination,

the grave is a far-off from today,
so I'll rejoice and play
with the change instead
of letting this maze lie complacent
in my head.

I've my health, love and friends to thank,
as well as music providing a so-often escape
from the details that creep up like a snake,
smooth and rapid-fire like,
turning my mood to that of the turning cold weather rain,
the sleet turning more foul to snow once
the temp hits far enough below.

and in this space,
as well as the distance I've covered,
I'll go all over the place
with a mind that skips and stutters,
like there's a wind flapping wildy
against the shutters
and I'm there to close them,
but hesistant to do so.

There you have it:
Completely non-edited, on the spot, random and jumpy. Just how I like 'em.

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