Friday, November 02, 2007


These words came to me last night:

I had forgotten what it's like
to stare at the night;
the quiet that surrounded me
in the middle of this fair city
was quite astounding,
to say the least.

On my back, one star caught my eye
as it was the only one in plain view;
the others were hidden due to many causes.

I just stared and went back to the past,
where I frequently wrote of the night,
and how recently these lines
were full of empty.

That just isn't right.
It's time to I come around again
to the place where my hand
picks up the pen
and scribbles without end,
any and all thoughts, right or wrong,
that this being has.

Make the time to express and decreased will be stress.

Music came into play as well,
another constant I have missed
and wish to revisit passionately,
for there are many stories to tell,

The time between books was so short,
for introspection was spent at length;
so I hope to pick up the pace
and display these thoughts through pages again,
and marvel at the words sprawled across,
for I'm beginning to think deep again,
out of bed.

Copyright @ 2007