Friday, June 20, 2008


I thought I'd transpose an untitled poem I wrote in late April whilst listening to the newest Explosions In the Sky. Not a huge surprise on the themes, based on the music.

And sometimes we stare...

We stare and find that our past
cannot be seen beyond the glass.

There is a need that feeds apathy,
and one that rejuvenates energy;
let's pick the latter, if we are to rise,
meeting our expectations with no hesitation
now that we've found a way to balance all sides.

Yes, it takes a toll on the eyes,
pushes patience towards acceptance
once the work is done,
once real words are spoken,
heartfelt ones that come from prolonged introspection.

It is at this juncture do we seek investigation
to what lies deeper, further,
beneath our preconceived misconception.

We shall arrive at acceptance if love is used as our guidance,
a presence felt on many levels,
distinguished from the religious as its personal benefits
take into account, waiting and many measurements
that determine a wholeness described in concrete concept.

Or a fractured scribble written to fill in that tremendous gap,
the one that really feels like a trap when you transcribe that notation.

Looking further to discover its rotation,
a relationship so simple
it renders you senseless until you decipher that message,
the lesson that is invaluable:

Life is what lies within; no more distance is needed
once your first deep breath is taken.

From there, it is a given.

Copyright 2008 Supernovaflip

1 comment:

Katie said...

Still love you :)