Wednesday, April 18, 2007

LIke lightning bolts struck in the eye, so too time's weary hand goes by...

That really should be a poem.

I saw The Red Sparowes at the Triple Rock 3/21/07 and they were fantastic live. On 3/29/07 at First Ave I saw Explosions In The Sky, who completely altered my perception of my body and music. The entire show was life-changing, seriously. When they played "First Breath After Coma" followed by "Greet Death," it was the most phenomenal and body-blowing combo I've ever seen from any band!!!

My body became the music, floating outward and surrounding space and time. It was as if the notes were pieces of life and I got to experience them closer than I ever had before in music. This is really hard to describe, since it was almost 3 weeks ago and it's something I just felt, experienced; I cannot duplicate the moment in words. Tears streaked my eyes and face; chills and bumps covered my body; sweat poured out intensely; my mouth stood agape for a very long time; facial expression frozen in a state of wow-ness; eyes lit up like lightning sparked them, energizing everything within. No other show will top those 10 minutes. It was, to put it bluntly, a musical orgasm. An electric shock. An out-of-body and mind experience. Whatever else you want to say.

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