Thursday, March 15, 2007

March Music Madness (of The Lovely, Inspiring Kind)

I've been experiencing some gorgeous music this month. I just purchased Cloud Cult's new album off their site and I must say, it is stunning. I got goosebumps just listening to the first few tracks before deciding to purchase it. Yes, I'll probably be missing Subtle and TV On The Radio at First Ave tonight, but for good reason: I'm listening to beautiful music. And that's all I am wanting to do (besides blogging). So yes, buy their new album, 'The Meaning of 8.' It's beyond amazing. And I'm only 7 tracks through it currently (19 tracks totaling 1 hour). Also of utmost-amazingness:

Kaddisfly - Set Sail the Prairie. I've been listening to an advanced copy I got way back in 07/06 and have been addicted to it. Still waiting for the actual CD that I ordered weeks ago. Reading reviews of it, and more importantly, their lyrics, has made me love this band much, much more. They weave philosophy, nature, human nature, spirituality, emotion and weather so well together, both in sound and word.

Arcade Fire - Neon Bible. Very pretty. Listened to it twice now and it's grown on me. Definitely different than Funeral, but that's to be expected. I'm not going to extensively review it, just get it and hear for yourself.

Michael Franti + Spearhead - Yell Fire! I know it came out last year and I'm late to jump in, but wow, this album is magnificant! Catchy, reggae, hippy, political, indie rock. Makes me want to protest the war, chill out with friends, make love to my fiancee, make peace with the world, write about life and nature, appreciate the little things, etc. A great album to get you in a great mood for the day.

Clair de Lune - Assisted Living. I still love this band. Their newest is post-hardcore, emo, punk, jazzy and whatever else that makes for one great record. They've experimented with their sound and I like the results. They're still a band I never get tired of seeing live and listening to, especially in the warmer months.

And what shows are happening in the next few months? Red Sparowes, Isis, Explosions In the Sky! Amiina, Seymour Saves The World, Clair de Lune, Self-Evident, All The Way Rider, The Twilight Sad, The Long Winters, Stars of Track and Field, Mono, Cloud Cult, Low, Story of the Sea, Ken Andrews, The Black Angels, The Hopefuls, Heiruspecs, The Umbrella Sequence, Ice Palace, Jeremy Messersmith, Calla, and a bunch of others....

Some of these bands I've seen...many I haven't, and many will have new material as well! Just 2 songs left to listen to on the new Cloud Cult far, best album of 2007. I'll end here.

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