Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Ups and Downs, Strikes and Gutters

That's right, dude.

I got a new cell phone, which is good. But I didn't pass probation and lost my job, which is bad.
I'm job searching, which is good. But I haven't advanced passed a first interview yet, which is bad.
I'm done figuring out my wedding tux, which is good. But I haven't picked out my ring yet, which is bad.
I saw some friends in the past month, which is good. But many others, I haven't seen, which is bad.
The wedding invites are all printed out, which is good. But I haven't gotten all of my families' addresses yet, which is bad.
I still have my gym membership, which is good. But I've only gone once this month, which is bad.
I have more time to journal and write poetry, which is good. But I've yet to do any of that, which is bad.
I got my vision checked out, which is good. But I may need glasses for reading and the like, which is bad.
I got my hearing checked out, which is good. But I didn't hear a certain high-frequency in my right ear, which may be bad.
I've had more time to bike around, which is good. But I've only biked a few days since my last day of work, which is bad.
I'm blogging, which is good. But I'm writing this in an annoying manner, which is bad.

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