Sunday, August 07, 2005

Reliving Childhood...

through kick-ass movies and video games. I'm talking Mortal Kombat and He-Man: Masters of the Universe! I had a He-Man two-wheeler when I was a kid. I rode it all the time, though I don't know where it is right now. I never took it off any sweet jumps would real bad if I did! The He-Man DVD is awesome and well-worth the $15 I paid for 10 episodes. Skeletor's voice, though, sounds like a cross between a wizard and a gnome, if you could imagine that...yeah...probably not huh?

Onto video games, the Mortal Kombat I bought is for PS2. The game is rated M, as blood stays on the battle stages. You can even jab your oppponent in the side/ribcage with a sword, dagger, bow, etc. To make it even funnier/more disturbing/disturbier, once the weapon goes in the side, the opponent bleeds its life away slowly, so it doesn't take as long to win. I know I'm gonna get much flack from my friends that I'm not playing Mortal Kombat for Nintendo...but what I have to say is, this game rocks just as hard as the original...just in a more modern way. Just for kicks, I also watched Mortal Kombat the movie last week. It was between that and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turles. Now, I'm all for TMNT as I owned all the Turtles, Splinter, Shredder, Brain, Be-Bop and Rock-Steady, etc. ; however, both myself and Tricia could not find our copies of the movie. So we decided on Mortal Kombat. Even though I've watched it twice this year, it still was awesomely cheesy and grand in its scope, keeping close to the video game moves and such. Besides, who wouldn't want to watch Liu Kang fight Shang Tsuang (spelling? sorry if I got it wrong)?

Reliving childhood cannot be complete without sweet playground games such as hopscotch, dodgeball, big base and four square. I played the latter this past friday night with some friends, and it ruled! I made it to the King square more than once, but most of the time I was out after advancing to the second square. To round off an awesome week of video games, cartoons and playground games, I played some extreme frisbee in that I acted like the typical dog who loves to catch a tennis ball when the owner throws it. No, I didn't catch the novelty flying disc with my teeth, if that's what you're thinking...but I did get some wicked grass stains on the shoulders and back of my t-shirts, not to mention forgetting that there was a slight hill when I was running to catch a great throw from Katie and consequently, doing a wild somersault-kinda thing and ending up with a nice bruise just below the patella. The worst part is, I didn't even catch the disc! Oh well, I love running and catching, just like during Little League baseball. Those were the days, indeed.

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