Tuesday, July 19, 2005

"Tis the Beginning...'

Of chaos, of total randomness, of beauty, of passion, of expression, of ranting, of laughing, of crying, of exploring the chaotic nature of the self, the loved one, the twin, the opposite of you, the universe. There will be poetry posted by myself, sometimes an excerpt and sometimes its entirety for all to view and think about. There will be music discussions, political idealogies, random pictures of hilarity, nature shots. Psychology, philosophy, religion, sex, relationships, yoga, meditation, politics will all most likely rear their lovely and ugly heads at some point. Some threads will leave you puzzled, confused, excited, wondering and wanting more. To start, I have no idea what this is going to be like. But no matter what, it is going to be all about balance in every sense you could conceive it being. With that said, time to jump into the canyons of the deep. Enjoy.

1 comment:

Rick Bayless's doppleganger said...


You don't know what you're talkin about. You love monster trucks and twister TM. Don't try to be someone else. I know the true you. Anyhow, you wanna ride bikes?