Monday, December 04, 2006

Rising From Shavasana, We Find That...

Breath brings about balance,
as each cycle continues its achievement
worthwhile with little or no dispute.

And the breath brings energy back
to the hands and feet;
the limbs lay complacent and better
than intact,
for the body is borne anew to breathe deep.

To focus on one thing will be everything
that means something worth doing;
this is found in the case with deep breathing,
as concentration is put to the test at its fullest.

Let the tension sink to the ground,
and make the spine flat, no longer compressed.
The shoulders, pushed back and down;
not round, nor the ribs pressing against the chest.

The mind doesn’t think about bombs dropping
at this moment when the body lies still,
awaiting for the thoughts to surface;
Once there, acknowledge them,
and put them to rest then,
so needed energy can refresh into stressed parts
sending a timely message:

to relieve of wants, desires and needs
and simply be.

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