Monday, May 15, 2006

Story of the Rock!

This story takes place on Saturday, 5/13/06....

It all began with The Soft Rocks. They reminded me of fuzzy, droning rock, with odd stage energy, low-key singing and off-balanced music. Very entertaining. Perhaps a better band-name (at least to describe their character) would be the quirky rocks, or jagged rocks.

As we turn the page, we find that The Six Parts Seven took stage, a band that should be a staple among my love of instrumental-rock. They drove up from Ohio to play, and my did they put on a show! Most of their set was comprised of new songs, as they are heading out to Seattle to record soon. I was quite happy with their set, feeling like I was watching Explosions In The Sky, yet more subtle and a bit more of a twang (steel and slide guitar will do that). But it fit so well. Their music is very gorgeous on disc, so pick it up if you want peaceful, simple, soothing sounds.

Moving on, locals Duplomacy excited the crowd, and did not disappoint this newcomer to their sound. At first, I thought it was a little too relaxed, but then the drums started crashing, the guitar whining, the bass thumping. I smiled and enjoyed their set of rock with pop-sensibility. They're working on some new music, and it should be exciting to hear.

There were many fish when this sea entered: The monsterous Story of the Sea, comprised of former Houston and Align members. Add the production help of members from former-Shiner and Kid Dakota/The Hopefuls, and you've got gold, pure gold, for music! The vocals were very reminiscent of Kid Dakota/The Hopefuls, the drums Houston-like, and the bass Align-ish, yet more apparent? Either way, I was in awe of their live energy. The songwriting is poppy, the vocals sometimes difficult to discern. But it doesn't matter; once you see them, you just have to move! The drumming just crushes, bringing this story to conclusion. That night, a new form of rock was born, and I was lucky enough to witness it.

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